07 October 2007

Tomorrow May Be Too Late for Life Insurance

Everyone needs life insurance to help cover bills we leave behind. You do not want your loved one to have to untangle 20 years of financial dealings to access information before he or she can start to pay bills and keep the household going.

The nice thing about life insurance is, at least in Texas, the benefits paid are NOT considered part of the estate, so the funds are released almost immediately to the beneficiary. That means your kids have lunch money, your spouse has gas money, there is money for groceries and, last but not least, with which to bury you. SecureInsuranceQuotes.com, sponsor of this post, will be happy to give you as many insurance quotes that you need to find the perfect fit for your needs and pocketbook.

1 comment:

John said...

I have been trying to convince my friend the importance of life insurance for the past year. He thinks just because he is healthy and in shape that he won't need it. But, accidents do happen, and it's unfair to make our families pay for them. Thanks for your blog, sits like your's are important for finding the cheapest and best options for us.

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