What started with one blogger and one blog in 2006 has traveled from blog to blog across the globe until it has reached 50 countries. BlogBlast for Peace is an annual blog event and is expanding each year. Join us this year.
As long as there is hope in the world and bloggers who long for peace, BlogBlast for Peace will be held November 4. If you wish to join the peace bloggers, please visit Mimi's site.
Is there going to be another event coming in the near future, or is it only once a year?
EDI & ALI - Thanks for leaving a comment. You should read the post referenced above to get the best bang out of your comment.
ALI - go to Bloggers Unite to see the many special days, by type, date, etc. Hope to see you on the blogosphere.
To Assisted Living: You can check out www.mimiwrites.com for more information about the Blog Blast movement. In the past it has been done twice a year, but Mimi has now chosen 4 Nov as the annual date.
CyberCelt: I clicked on your links at Mimi's but somehow missed this Peace post. Thanks so much for advancing the cause of Peace!
These are really good quotes i can see here to live with peace.
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Thanks for this wonderful article, Peace everyone.
brother... Is there going to be another event coming in the near future, or is it only once a year?
happy day..
thanks for sharing
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Piece is really important for health living in world. I liked that blog and will join it.
Interesting concept. Thanks
Is this happens annually? Is there any schedule you have? Can I have one copy of your schedule? Thanks!
I really like your post here because its good that we must not forget our SAVIOR. Thanks for the very inspiring poem.:)
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I wish that we had this sort of attitude and openness surrounding peace all year round. Thanks for doing your part this holiday season!
well I think its a really interesting article, I really like it thanks for sharing
I really really like your quotes to us should be peace in each other and to our society.
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