13 March 2011

Dallas, Houston and Austin are populated by Millennial Generation

Ad Age has a cool new tool called Market Finder. They decided to look for millennials (18-34 years old), with emphasis on the older end of the spectrum, the 25- to 34-year-olds.

Where the Millennials Are | Ad Age Stat - Advertising Age
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Houston have the most millennials, which makes sense as they are the five of the six largest metro areas in the U.S.
Metropolitan Area: Dallas
Number of Millennials: 1,620,281
Millennials Index: 107
Late Millennials Index: 118

Metropolitan Area: Houston
Number of Millennials: 1,440,634
Millennials Index: 105
Late Millennials Index: 115

Metropolitan Area: Austin
Number of Millennials: 499,713
Millennials Index: 125
Late Millennials Index: 140

**Austin led the pack for late Millennials.

Millennials in the U.S. comprise about 23 percent of the population. Roughly 14 percent of Late Millennials have finished college and are starting to spend their own money. However, the Association of Realtors study found 13.4 percent of all Millennials still live with their parents!!(AUGHHHHH- cry of a mother of a 20-year-old and 23-year-old, both living at home).
The highest index metros for millennials are all college towns or near military bases that don't have otherwise large, diverse population centers like "college towns" such as Boston.
College towns that index high for all millennials were found to index low for the late millennials. Once they graduate and find a job, they are gone. The others live with their parents (God help me)!

This Market Find tool is great. Next, Ad Age will profile big-spending married couples with children. (I hope they can find some.) For information on all findings and to hear a lot less whining, please see the article here.

Have a wonderful Sunday and do not forget to set the clock ahead one hour. (I will miss that hour for a week!)


FinallyFast said...

What does the index number itself mean? Is it some kind of value explaining the percentage of the millennial population in that city?

Curtis Johnson said...

Having read some books on generation gap issues, and having had a couple of classes on the 4 different generations, it seems that it is a lot like studying different cultures. Understanding another culture starts with understanding our own culture and values first, and then comparing it with the other culture and seeing the difference. Of course, the characteristics presented here are some general tendencies, and may not represent every person. Not all Baby Boomers, Generation X, or Millenials are cut from a cookie-cutter mold, but many similar values and perspectives exist within each generation that can be condensed and used as a starting point for understanding.

giochiwinx said...

Very interesting post expect new inovations

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