While Google+ was late entering the social media market, they have become a major player within a month, with an estimated 20 million members. According to FindPeopleOnPlus.com, more than 77,923 engineers, 12,511 programmers, 5,459 musicians, and 1,250 doctors use Google+.
I have tried to use Google+, but it is very unwieldy in some aspects, like getting back to my email account after visiting Google+. I understand the circle concept: you add people to your circle and they add you to their circle. However, I have had to add the same person to my circle several times before it "took." Another thing is the demo page. I was afraid I was going to seize before I could get off it. Who designed that page?
I like the huddle(group chat)and instant upload features, but the hangouts remind me of Second Life. Do you remember Second Life? Second Life's status as a virtual world and/or computer game, populated by avatars buying and selling land for Linden$, left many users cold.
I know it has been only one month since inception of Google+, but I have already noticed the lack of support for which Google is infamous. In the end, that may be the -(minus)that keeps Google+ from success.
The most important reason I am interested in Google+ is a drawback of Facebook. While Facebook is mostly adequate for my girlfriend it is almost impossible to use with her braille device.
I'm not that sure Google+ is going to be very succesful though, in the Netherlands we already have four popular social networking sites, Facebook, Hyves, Linkedin, Twitter so there does not seem to be room for more. Elsewhere I am not sure, I haven't read much about feautures in Google+ that are very special.
I agree with you that Google is notorious for lack of support. What I do like about google + is the concept of circles. As my facebook page has grown both personal, family and business connections have been made. I think we can all agree you don't talk to your mother-inlaw the same way you talk to your friends or business relationships. Being able to speak to each circle differently makes alot of sense to me.
How does it even work. Compared to FB i don't think it stands a chance. However i have read somewhere that it helps in google rankings..i think that just like any network starting its not easy to breakthrough and i know this could make it sometime to come..
I still think that google is the best way to attract new visitors despite the difficulty of improving the positioning of my site I keep trying.
aoutras tried several ways to achieve success to promote my sites but when he is well placed on google for sure the end result is above average
I will never understand the ways google does things like that
I did not notice about Huddle like you mentioned that it minus point for the Google+.
As far as Google+ is concerned, i did not observe any new feature comparatively Facebook except Circles otherwise everything is same and copy. Nothing is special there. I dont think that it is gonna give high percentage benefits to Google like Facebook or any Social Media Website
I thought Google+ will become as big as Facebook. Remember when facebook come along first time, try to compete with Friendster.
Guess what, Facebook win with his new style.
I assume G+ circle concept to link with our true friends.
And also facebook is already full with ADS nowadays.
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