14 July 2008

Have You Made the Change to Vista?

I was in a real comfort zone with Windows XP and did not want to learn a new operating system. I have used all the Windows operating systems and before that, DOS, so I know technology improves as it advances. I finally took the big step with my newest laptop and installed Windows Vista. There are some differences between Windows XP and Windows Vista that you will notice right off the bat.

Windows Interface

The Windows Aero interface, with live icons and the flip three-dimensional feature is definitely different than the XP interface. Hover on a diminished window on the task bar and live icons show you what is running in that window. In Windows Vista, when you are in a folder, the sidebar shows you other folders that you may toggle using 3D flip or ALT+TAB.

The START menu in Vista is much more streamlined than Windows XP. The integrated search feature in the START menu is more robust than the one in Windows XP. You may search for files or applications by typing the first few letters of the name in the search box.

Windows Vista has a feature where users access the computer but may not access critical applications and administrative functions. This feature keeps busy hands from changing your settings or deleting necessary components of the operating system. I found this feature the hardest to get used to. I kept looking for hardware profiles and such that you find in Windows XP.

Windows Security

In Windows Vista, the parental controls let you limit the programs, the websites and the hours users may access the computer and view the documents and the sites users have accessed. This is especially helpful as children become teenagers and learn to clear cache, history and cookies.

Windows Vista has two firewalls, the standard firewall found on Windows XP and another one that has advanced features and filters outgoing as well as incoming data. This is helpful if you have an open port of which you are unaware and someone is listening.


There are issues with Windows Vista, such as the 32-bit system limit on memory, but most users will love the clean interface and the enhanced security features. If not, there are many articles online to tell you how to "tweak" Vista. The most important piece of advice I can give you would be to make sure you are installing Windows updates on a timely basis.

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Some Audio Guy said...

Ya know, I really haven't yet.
Having used Vista at work, I don't really have anything against it (once you disable UAC). I just have everything working the way I want it on XP.

I've been able to fake quite a bit of the Vista/OSX interface using things like rocket dock, winflip, and google desktop.

I'm planning to build a new computer when Intel's new processors come out, so I figure then will be a good time to move up to Vista...

Anonymous said...

Very useful recap. However, it ultimately reinforces my resistance to switching to Vista.

Shattered Paradigm said...

Very good post.

Much more informative than the drivel I posted on my blog today.

Even Church Billboards, Bert & Ernie Are Going Gangsta:



Anonymous said...

melbel, I did the same, I have tried vista then installed UBUNTU. I am bothered to upgrade it again and again as well. I had Feisty and they recommended to upgrade to something else. I am planning to use Fedora or RED HAT now.

Anonymous said...

I bought a laptop last summer that has Vista on it, but I'm not upgrading on my desktop ever. XP is slow enough with 768MB RAM; I don't need anything Vista has. When I upgrade desktops in 2010 I'm sure I'll switch over.

CyberCelt said...

@audio-The UAC part is hard. I was like "where is my hardware profile?" How did you disable it?

@viqi-I resisted too. When you need a new laptop, the choice is already made.

@shattered-I was not aware you had the weird news blog. I will check it out.

@frederick-you are now talking a foreign language to me. LOL

@richard-Vista is a memory hog. 2 gbytes should do you.

Anonymous said...

I think I will stick with Windows XP for now. I haven't heard much good things about Vista, but that doesn't necessarily even matter. I would probably be happy with Windows 2000 as long as it is stable--I turn everything back to classic mode on XP.

Anonymous said...

richard, You can change the performance by replacing a cool RAM. I think that is too low ram for a Vista owned PC. Increase it to 2 GB and yo will be enjoying the performance.

Anonymous said...

Vista is nothing but a headache for me.. .

Anonymous said...

I'm always resistant to change, and will keep windows xp for now. It's not like everything they put out is upgraded and better than the previous product. They are all as bad as each other -

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of the different setup. I've heard a few of my nerdier friends talking about not much change in the sytem itself, and that it is more of just a rework or the interface. I'm happy with XP, and don't really see the need to upgrade since MS is still supporting XP. :)

CyberCelt said...

@poetry-I know what you mean. I did not upgrade from Win98 until they quite supporting it. Then there was that awful millenium edition. I like XP, but I had to get a new laptop and its hard to find one without Vista.

@tom-thanks for the tip. I found a good article on tweaks you can do to Vista and I am going to link to it. Mostly, I think the indexing is what slows Vista down, especially if you do not have enough memory.

@earn online-See my comment to tom above. I will post that link and article summary soon.

@shiela-If it works for you, then keep it. I do not like that you have to buy new software to use on Vista, but open source may take care of that headache.

@hank-Its your choice. I was faced with a choice when purchasing a new laptop. I still run XP on my other laptop.

Thanks for all the comments, y'all. I will visit you all when I have that post up with the tweaks to Vista.

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