21 July 2007

Dreams of Dell and Power Supplies

I should not have written that post on the Dell Inspiron. Every time I think of my Inspiron laptop that was less than 2 years old cratering on me, I just want to scream. The power supply cord was wonky from the first. I even purchased a new power supply cord so that I had two. In the end, it did not matter. Now, I find out there are companies that specialize in power supply repair. It figures. I will have to call ACS Industrial, sponsor of this post. Maybe Dell has them on contract. LOL


SandyCarlson said...

We had the same problem with our Inspiron laptop. In addition, the thing didn't cool very well, so the hard drive fried on us and we had to have it replaced and then we had to buy a ridiculous $25 fan that it sits on. I'm not inspired by this anymore!

CyberCelt said...

@sandy-Not inspired. LOL. Laptops do get hot. I have this wire rack that I use under mine like a desk I slide my legs under. I blog from my sleep number bed. Its totally decadent.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I just bought an old Apple G4, and we've had horrible problems with the power cord. Apparently the previous owner had already had to replace it twice. Thanks for the tip!

CyberCelt said...

@vtbook-Thanks for stopping by. It seems like we could make a power supply that works.

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