20 July 2007

Search Engine Wars, Part XXIV

As reported in Marketing Madness and Sticky Stuff, the total minutes on a website has replaced unique visits and total page views as the metric that Nielsen/NetRatings is using to rank websites.

Advertising Age - Digital - Measuring the Web Just Got More Complex-read article

From the article:
AOL media network used to rank fifth in Nielsen/NetRatings' online audience rankings, but last week it rocketed to first -- that's the kind of thing that can happen when the bean counter changes the beans.

Here are the rankings:

Unique visitors: Google, Yahoo, MSN/Windows Live, Microsoft, AOL Media Network

Page views: Yahoo, Fox Interactive, Google, MSN/Windows Live, eBay

Total minutes: AOL Media Network, Yahoo, MSN/Windows Live, Fox Interactive, Google

So, the search engine wars have been reduced to:
  • We are number one!
  • No, we are!
  • Sorry, but we are!
  • According to Nielsen, we are number one!
  • Well, we get more visitors!
  • But, visitors stay on our site longer!
  • Ha! Visitors read more at our site!
Meanwhile, MSN/Windows Live is solid at #3 and Fox Interactive and eBay are creeping into the rankings.


Anonymous said...

Interesting and a suprise to see MSN so consistently in the top 3.

CyberCelt said...

@john-Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes, it is like the top two are going to kill themselves off and MSN will be there.

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