10 May 2008

Blog Your Blessing: Mother's Day Prayer

Lord, I pray you'll be my eyes,
And watch him where he goes,
And help him to be wise, and
Help me to let go.

Lord, I pray he finds your light,
And holds it in his heart.
As darkness falls each night,
Remind him where Thou art.

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. Visit the blog, grab the blogroll code, add it to your blog, and leave a comment on Blue Panther Experience. Next Sunday, post your blessing. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on Sunday as we blog our blessings.


SandyCarlson said...

Happy Mother's Day, and happy BYB Sunday. That is a beautiful prayer, as always. God bless!

Unknown said...

amen =)

happy mothers day to all mothers in the world!

Susan Demeter said...

That is a lovely prayer :) Happy BYB Sunday, and Mother's Day to you my friend! :)

Whatever said...

I like this posting. The picture gave the prayer/poem context.

Good luck, and have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Your poem is so true to life. We often worry about our children but fail to depend on God to care for them.
Happy Mother's Day.

Scribbit said...

Thanks so much for the nomination over at Dance of Motherhood--that was so kind of you!

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

What a wonderful blessing on a day like today! I hope you've had a FANTASTIC Mother's Day!

Paulie said...

Nice looking son! Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful!!!!

kuanyin333 said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day! Is this your son? Beautiful prayer!

CyberCelt said...

@sandy-Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

@stev-Thank you for including all mothers everywhere.

@sue-Happy Mother's Day to you, you Mommy blogger, you.

@whatever-Thanks for stopping by. I think this is the longest comment you have ever left me.

@scribbit-You are most welcome. Happy Mother's Day.

@matthew-Thank you for your kind words.

@paulie-He is good looking, isn't he? He does not think he is, but I do.

@kuanyin-Yep, he is 18 years old and in his first year of college.

@neelie-I do not think I could make it without God on my side. Especially when my son started driving!

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