God is the infinite Source of all Good.
God is Love, Service and Prosperity in Action.
I am One with God as my Source, the eternally loving,
endlessly giving God. As God is, so I am.
Prosperity is what I am,
Prosperity is what I eternally reveal.
I reveal Prosperity in this moment, and I am easily,
magnificently blessed with Freedom and Abundance
in all areas of my life.
With a joyous and grateful heart, giving the glory to God,
I release these words into the perfect action of the Law,
knowing Prosperity is mine now.
I simply let go and let God,
And so it is.
Wishing freedom, abundance and prosperity to all visitors to Blog Your Blessing Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us each Sunday as we blog our blessings. For more information, please visitThe Blue Panther Experience.
Tags: Blog Your Blessings, Sunday post
Amen to this. God is a good and loving God all the time.
This is a beautiful thought for today. To realize we are prosperous because we simply are is quite the blessing of awareness. Just what the doctor ordered for today. Thanks.
Prosperity is attained by someone who takes care of the possible and trust God with the impossible.
Lovely post. Thanks for stopping by my post.
Another beautiful photograph and post - Happy BYB SUnday and have a great week.
Thank you for reminding me to visit the BYB group....like you, I've been out and about and had completely forgotten to stop by and read the other blogs! :-) Mahalo for the prosperity blessings.
That's an interesting take on prosperity.
Believing that someone guide us on a stormy road of being successful make us only stronger
Whats a buitiful deeds of God. He is only God.
Hope you had a great Sunday and have an even better week ahead!
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