Sit by a river
Find peace and meaning
In the rhythm
Of the lifeblood of the Earth
Find peace and meaning
In the rhythm
Of the lifeblood of the Earth
The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. Visit the blog, grab the blogroll code, add it to your blog, and leave a comment on Blue Panther Experience. Next Sunday, post your blessing. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on Sunday as we blog our blessings.
Note: To my BYBS friends. Thank you for your wishes, prayers, Reiki and lightness you have sent my way. Please keep sending as I am only 1/2 way through the chemotheraphy.
Note: To my BYBS friends. Thank you for your wishes, prayers, Reiki and lightness you have sent my way. Please keep sending as I am only 1/2 way through the chemotheraphy.
Interesting picture given the title for the entry.
You bring to mind a favoritre chant:
earth my body
water my blood
air my breath
fire my spirit
A lovely picture, thank you for the reminder of the sacred all around me
Oh yes, indeed! Beautiful picture, beautiful thought. I hope things are going well for you, friend.
I have hardly had a chance to live by a river, or any water body for that matter, for any length of time. Thus, I am really in love with water bodies. I think I could spend hours just sitting by a river, or a lake!
Hope you have a great week ahead.
Prayers are continuing, and blessings and love! Happy BYB Sunday!
Beautiful photo of one of my favorite things! I could jsut picture a bench there and me sitting on it watching the little layered waterfalls. More prayers coming!
Nice Pictures! We are very much blessed to live in this planet. Thank God!
well indeed that's just so beautiful
I love it ... want to some fresh place
Whenever I'm in trouble, I always count my blessings. They are so many and so I feel light again. I admire your strength.
Great picture.
@whatever-Should I have tinted it red? LOL
@witches-Thank you.
@sdandy carlson-Thanks for your good thoughts.
@neo-You may make your own water feature with a small waterfall that runs on solar power.
@kuanyin-Thank you. Keep them coming, I am 1/2 through chemotheraphy.
@perbs-This is one of the first swimming holes I discovered when I moved from Houston to Austin. I was just amazed that you could drive a few minutes and swim in fresh water.
hid, bloggermosaic, keris, thompson, steve - I appreciate you all stopping by to visit.
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