According to JP Morgan, the forecast for global online advertising should reach about $105 billion by 2014. With cloud computing, laptops, iPads, iPhones, Blackberries, mini-laptops and other electronic devices, there is a demand for content geared specifically to mobile devices.

Mobile is driving search marketing budgets and strategies and will continue to do so. Are you ready for mobile? Do you have a mobi site optimized to be viewed on the third screen?
Mobile Statistics- There are over 4.2 Billion mobile devices worldwide.
- Mobile web growth is happening 4 times as fast as the Internet.
- One out of every seven minutes of media consumption takes place on mobile.
- There are over 5,000 different mobile devices that can access the mobile web.
How does your website view on a mobile? What do you see? How fast does it load? Can you find information easily? What does your blog look like on different phones and devices?

I have tried to develop mobile versions of my blogs, using a free service, MoFuse - Mobile Content Manager. It produced cookie cutter mobi sites that did not allow for much customization, but I was happy.
MoFuse is changing to a for-fee service. I have too may blogs and websites to pay per site, so I am looking for another option. If you have a bigger budget or just a few websites and blogs, you may want to visit

You may also want to attend a free webinar on the MoFuse sites. While the webinars will be conducted using MoFuse, this would be a great opportunity to learn about mobi sites.
Registration is free. To participate, you will need a computer, earphones, and microphone. You may also use a telephone. After you register, all the information about the webinar appears.
So, get your mobi mojo working and do not be left behind. If I find another low-cost mobi site solution, I will be back.
mobile website, mobi, mofuse, mobile content, free webinars
Amazing to see how many options are out there that we never hear much about.
Thank you for the information. I bookmarked Mofuse for further research. As an in-house SEO I am always up to research new ways to get the word out about our review sites.
Technology is coming at us fast, yes it has been here for awhile but it does not appear to be slowing down.
Well thank you very much for sharing this information with me. It's true that the technique factor is the pa\rt of the success now a days. It's truly ossom to look at the other options.
Good information you have brought out. Most of us are not aware of these things. We use mobiles but very blindly without knowing their importance.
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If you use WordPress for blogging or even for your standalone site there are several plugins that will actually automatically redirect users to a pre-developed .mobi site or automatically convert your WordPress site to a mobile friendly site and store it at a waiting .mobi site.
My favorite of these is MobilePress. You can find it by searching for the plugin on WordPress.org. There are actually several other plugins that do similar things. It's definitely worth checking out if you're using WordPress.
Mobiles have become a necessity now a days. But we use it without knowing the actual statistics of it. Thanks for the information.
This is really a nice Information. I have a mobile but I don't know much about it. Your information would definitely helpful.
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Thanks for sharing this idea. Love it!
The mobile phone is now becoming a "swiss knife" of communication.I will bookmark Mofuse for reference at 7.95 a month for the basic plan is great if you only have
about 2-3 websites running,however if its worth it then itll be for keeps I will get your suggestion and use the 14 day trial.Nice post by the way :)
Samantha E. Duncan
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